Two-Factor Authentication

What is it?
An additional layer of security is provided by two-factor authentication through the addition of a second step in the log-in process. Combining something you know (for example, your password) with something you have (like your phone) creates an extra layer of security. If an unauthorized person were to get your password, two-factor authentication would prevent them from accessing your account, as both components are required for logging in.

What is the justification for this?
Passwords are becoming more and more susceptible to being breached. They can frequently be guessed or revealed. We rarely make any adjustments, and despite warnings, a lot of us still use the same passwords for multiple accounts. By adding an extra layer of security, two-factor authentication ensures that your password alone can't be used to access your account.

What is the process?
You need to download an app onto your mobile device in order to use Time Based OneTime passwords, and you can get a bar-code reader. Once you turn it on, a pop-up window will show a QR code, and you can enter the code manually on your smartphone or tablet if you prefer.
Once scanned or entered, a password that changes with time will appear in your app, which is the second form of authentication used to log in.

Keep a backup code handy in case your smartphone or tablet is unavailable and you want to access your client area.

Click here to see which apps I need for Two-Factor Authentication?


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