Mark emails as spam
As you report more spam, Gmail is better able to automatically mark similar messages as spam.
- On your computer, open Gmail.
- Select one or more emails.
- Click Report spam
Tip: When you click Report spam or manually move an email into your Spam folder, Google will receive a copy of the email and may analyze it to help protect our users from spam and abuse.
Unmark an email as spam
You can remove an email from Spam if you incorrectly marked it as spam:
- On your computer, open Gmail.
- On the left, click More.
- Click Spam.
- Open the email.
- At the top, click Not spam.
Tip: To stop a message from being sent to Spam in the future, you can:
Delete emails in spam
- On your computer, open Gmail.
- On the left, click More.
- Click Spam.
- At the top, click Delete all spam messages now. Or, select specific emails, then click Delete forever.
Why emails have spam warning labels
Gmail automatically identifies suspicious emails and marks them as spam. When you open your Spam label, you'll see emails that were marked as spam by you or Gmail. Each email will include a label at the top that explains why Gmail sent it to Spam.